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Moon Ritual: A monthly circle for women
to 7 Jul

Moon Ritual: A monthly circle for women

It was traditional in many cultures around the world for women to gather together in spiritual ceremony. Centuries of persecution of the priestess, the wise woman and the healer resulted in women abandoning this tradition, and associated spaces. But, now women around the world are remembering and reviving this tradition and sitting in circle once again.

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Yoga for Seekers - Hatha Yoga Workshop with Srijin Rajan

Yoga for Seekers - Hatha Yoga Workshop with Srijin Rajan

A clear mind, pure physical body and emotional stability allow the energy to do work that is of service and generate the enthusiasm to be compassionate in this world. Our aim in traditional styles of Yoga is to achieve this state of being. The tools given to us are: mantra chanting, asana, pranayama, mudra, bhandha, meditation, internal cleansing (kriya), yogic sleeping (nidra) and philosophy.

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Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma yoga is known for its challenging yet playful approach to practice and combines physical practice (asana) with more subtle practices such as mantra (sound), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. Ayesha also introduces key concepts from yoga philosophy to support you in deepening your understanding of the yogic path.

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Inviting Grace - A five week meditation series with Derek Elliott
to 12 Jul

Inviting Grace - A five week meditation series with Derek Elliott

5 Fridays 7.30pm to 9pm: June 14th, 21st, 28th and July 5th, 12th

Life is a miracle. Statistically the chances of being born is like being one grain of sand picked from a very large beach. And yet life has chosen to be lived as you, whatever tradition or lens you see this from. We all know instinctively that life wants to be fully lived, and yet we are all challenged to follow this prompt with consistency. The major quality we can bring to meditation is a willingness to let our own nature be our own guide and lead the way. Who we are wants us recognise the depth of being we already embody and to live life with stability and clarity. Meditation is simply the practice of giving time for this process to unfold.

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Intermediate (Level 2) Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Julie Hodges

Intermediate (Level 2) Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Julie Hodges

Julie Hodges is a Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher (Level 3 under the new syllabus) and founder of the Putney Iyengar Yoga Centre in London. She has studied directly with Guruji Sri B.K.S Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar and Prashant Iyengar. This workshop is suitable for yoga students with a minimum of three years regular Iyengar Yoga practice, who are used to practicing Intermediate / Level 2 asanas.

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Yoga Study Group "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers

Yoga Study Group "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers

Do consider joining the next meeting of our friendly, relaxed Yoga Study Group on Wednesday 19 June at 6.45, when we will discuss On Becoming a Person, by Carl Rogers. One of America’s most distinguished psychologists describes helping people to discover the path to personal growth through an understanding of their own limitations and potential.

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Celebrating Summer Solstice from and to the Heart with Yoga, Somatics & Meridian Stretching with Jacqueline Mangold and Katrin Heuser

Celebrating Summer Solstice from and to the Heart with Yoga, Somatics & Meridian Stretching with Jacqueline Mangold and Katrin Heuser

Let’s celebrate summer, the season of blossoming and vitality. It’s also the season of the heart, that not only regulates blood circulation but also governs the mind and spirit, playing a crucial role in mental health and consciousness. In this workshop we will explore how to mobilise and vitalise the upper spine, to give more space and nourishment to the heart, and how to foster a sense of joy and harmony, through a combination of yoga, somatic movement and meridian stretching in East Asian medicine.

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Freeing the Heart Space: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage [and Bodywork] workshop with Katrin Heuser

Freeing the Heart Space: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage [and Bodywork] workshop with Katrin Heuser

The heart space is the centre of our compassion and emotion, and deserves special care and attention in our treatments. So often people carry a heavy heart and feel actual pain and pressure. Grief, loneliness, separation, unprocessed trauma can lead to strong habitual protective patterns around the heart. So much so, it will effect people’s posture and breathing and lead to lack of mobility in the shoulders, arms and neck. In this workshop we will explore tools and techniques to free up the whole upper thorax and back and restore the vitality of heart and lungs.

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Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma yoga is known for its challenging yet playful approach to practice and combines physical practice (asana) with more subtle practices such as mantra (sound), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. Ayesha also introduces key concepts from yoga philosophy to support you in deepening your understanding of the yogic path.

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Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma Yoga Masterclass with Ayesha Ali

Dharma yoga is known for its challenging yet playful approach to practice and combines physical practice (asana) with more subtle practices such as mantra (sound), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. Ayesha also introduces key concepts from yoga philosophy to support you in deepening your understanding of the yogic path.

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The Science and Spirituality of the Breath with Rachel James

The Science and Spirituality of the Breath with Rachel James

The Breath is a form of life-force energy and can be a way of increasing and harnessing our Prana. It is the Breath of Life. Each Breath can be seen as precious and we can be more mindful of how we breathe. It is always with us, making it an available anchor for us to focus on in our Mindfulness and Yoga practices. It can be central to our Practice. It can also help us move from feeling stressed or depressed which can cause dis-ease in our body to feeling calm and centred which promotes healing and repair. 

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Restoring Vitality in the Internal Organs: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage (and Bodywork) workshop with Katrin Heuser

Restoring Vitality in the Internal Organs: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage (and Bodywork) workshop with Katrin Heuser

This workshop is for floor-based bodyworkers (Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic massage etc) and Yoga therapists.

In this workshop we will explore tools and techniques of visceral manipulation as well as the Eastern perspective of the Hara. And we will cultivate a deeper level of presence to help us connect with this usually more sensitive part of our Being. 

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Harmonise the Energy of the Centre with Somatics, Yoga and Meridian Stretching with Katrin Heuser and Jacqueline Mangold

Harmonise the Energy of the Centre with Somatics, Yoga and Meridian Stretching with Katrin Heuser and Jacqueline Mangold

The abdomen is not only the seat of our digestion, but also of the Prana or Qi that moves us forward through life. It’s from where we draw our innate strength and get our fuel for action. It also is our second brain that gives us our intuition.

In this workshop we will explore how to release some of the tension we hold, invite more space and re-ignite that vital life force through a combination of somatic movement, yoga and meridian stretching used in East Asian medicine.

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Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Seekers with Srijin Rajan

Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Seekers with Srijin Rajan

A clear mind, pure physical body and emotional stability allow the energy to do work that is of service and generate the enthusiasm to be compassionate in this world. Our aim in traditional styles of Yoga is to achieve this state of being. The tools given to us are: mantra chanting, asana, pranayama, mudra, bhandha, meditation, internal cleansing (kriya), yogic sleeping (nidra) and philosophy.

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The Beauty of Silence. A Meditation Series with Derek Elliott

The Beauty of Silence. A Meditation Series with Derek Elliott

Fridays 19.30-21.00 on February 9th, 16th 23rd and March 8th, 15th, 22nd

“Explanations make many things clear, but love is only clear in silence” Rumi

Meditation is just a river in which we swim. We all have different ways of diving in, but it is the same river that carries us. Where the river carries us only the river knows. Trusting the benevolence of its waters and releasing our hold on the riverbank, is key to establishing a fluent practice. These sessions are designed to take participants on a sequential journey of discovery.

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Intermediate (Level 2) Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Julie Hodges

Intermediate (Level 2) Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Julie Hodges

Julie Hodges is a Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher (Level 3 under the new syllabus) and founder of the Putney Iyengar Yoga Centre in London. She has studied directly with Guruji Sri B.K.S Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar and Prashant Iyengar. This workshop is suitable for yoga students with a minimum of three years regular Iyengar Yoga practice, who are used to practicing Intermediate / Level 2 asanas.

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Iyengar Yoga Together with Shaili Shafai

Iyengar Yoga Together with Shaili Shafai

In this immersive workshop, Shaili will introduce a new perspective that emerges when we come together to support each others' practice. Using props and precision, we will delve deep into the principles of Iyengar yoga. This workshop is not just about individual growth, but also about the potential that unfolds when we help each other reach beyond what we can achieve on our own.

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Yoga for Stress and Anxiety with Yoga Therapist Gill Mines

Yoga for Stress and Anxiety with Yoga Therapist Gill Mines

We'll explore a variety of yogic tools and practices which can be carried into daily life, including movement, tracking sensations, breathing and nervous system regulation, mindfulness, energy balancing and relaxation. Gill is a Yoga therapist with both professional and personal experience of anxiety and chronic stress, she will help support you to find the tools most suitable to your needs. 

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Through the Lens of the Vagus Nerve: Advanced Thai Yoga massage and Bodywork Workshop with Katrin Heuser

Through the Lens of the Vagus Nerve: Advanced Thai Yoga massage and Bodywork Workshop with Katrin Heuser

This workshop is for floor-based bodyworkers (Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic massage etc) and Yoga therapists, or if you work with hands-on adjustments and touch, and are increasingly attracting clients dealing with more complex issues, such as pain, chronic conditions or trauma. These people are in need of more than just a relaxing treatment or a good stretch. This is where we need to understand and work directly with the Autonomic Nervous System and the Vagus Nerve.

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Pranayama Workshop with Sophia Argyris

Pranayama Workshop with Sophia Argyris

In this workshop we will dive into the practice of Pranayama, rhythmic breath control. Pranayama is the fourth limb of yoga, coming after the Yamas and Niyamas (ethical and moral disciplines) and Asana (the physical yoga postures), and before Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditative absorption) and Samadhi (putting together). Pranayama is an essential part of our yoga practice that helps us to move towards the quieter and more subtle practices.

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4 week Meditation Course with Derek Elliott

4 week Meditation Course with Derek Elliott

What is it like to feel free? The Art of Meditation embodies this opportunity. The Latin root of ‘opportunity’ is ‘ob portum veniens’ meaning ‘coming to a port’ which refers to the favourable wind blowing ships into a harbour. We don’t become free, we already are and we already embody the means of knowing this. That is what we are invited to discover. We are all ready the ship and the wind and the harbour. In essence it’s that simple. 

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Autumn Seasonal Workshop with Anna Oldfield

Autumn Seasonal Workshop with Anna Oldfield

An embodied exploration of the Autumn and how the seasons energies relate to our lives right now, through a blend of yoga asana, yoga nidra (guided meditation), selected readings and prompts for reflection, then sound immersion where participants are bathed in the soothing sounds of gongs, chimes and singing bowls.

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Workshop schedule