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Yoga for Seekers - Hatha Yoga Workshop with Srijin Rajan

A clear mind, pure physical body and emotional stability allow the energy to do work that is of service and generate the enthusiasm to be compassionate in this world.

Our aim in traditional styles of Yoga is to achieve this state of being. The tools given to us are: mantra chanting, asana, pranayama, mudra, bhandha, meditation, internal cleansing (kriya), yogic sleeping (nidra) and philosophy.

Yoga enables proper circulation of the blood, of heat, oxygen and energy to each of our 73 trillion, or so cells bringing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In addition, yoga anatomy refers to 72000 nadis (energy channels) in the body. Activating the physical systemic body through postures (asana) and breath (pranayama) brings synchronisation and normalising of these nadis so they can function properly..

This workshop is a first step in to world of authentic yoga. It is an opportunity to understand the classical yogic practices as it is  and start a journey towards yourself.

Cost: £30 Book here

About Srijin:

Srijin has studied Hatha Yoga in his home country of India and taught remedial yoga in Ayurvedic hospitals in India and Russia. He will be taking a regular Hatha Yoga class at the Vishuddha Centre on Thursday mornings at 10.30.

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